
Download flora maria annex
Download flora maria annex

They reduce wave heights and the rates of lateral erosion, thus promoting shoreline protection and stabilization.

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more Coastal marshes are intertidal wetlands, highly diverse in species and habitats. The distinguis.Ĭoastal marshes are intertidal wetlands, highly diverse in species and habitats. Twenty nine plant communities-among them one described for the first time (Theligono cynocrambis-Parietarietum lusitanicae), belonging to nineteen alliances, eighteen orders and fifteen phytosociological classes, were found. The macrophytic vegetation was analysed following the Braun-Blanquet method. From a chorological point of view, the Mediterranean element outweighs the rest, followed by the most diverse group of widespread taxa. The majority of the represented in the life form spectrum taxa are Therophytes, Hemicryptophytes, Geophytes and Chamaephytes. The flora of the investigated regions consists of 365 taxa belonging to 78 families and 247 genera, some of which are endemic or rare in Greece. more Vegetation of the European-network ‘Natura 2000’ conservation areas of Naxos island and of nearby islets Mikres Kyklades, including calcareous rocky slope, maquis, phrygana, coastal cliff, dune, marshland, wet meadow, reed bed and aquatic habitats, was studied during 2000. Vegetation of the European-network ‘Natura 2000’ conservation areas of Naxos island and of nearby. Eleven habitat types were identified and their conservation status was assessed. The Asplenio ceterach-Aurinietum saxatilae is described as a new association and the Eleocharito palustris-Alismatetum lanceolati is reported for the first time from Greece. Twenty plant communities belonging to twelve alliances, eleven orders, and ten phytosociological classes were discerned. The main vegetation types encountered in the Ioannina Basin and the south-western part of Mt Mitsikeli are: (1) Quercus coccifera shrublands, (2) degraded deciduous oak forests, (3) Mediterranean arborescent mattorals with Juniperus, (4) Oro-Mediterranean heathlands, (5) willow low open forests, (6) οriental plane woods, (7) plant communities supported by calcareous substrates, (8) aquatic macrophyte assemblages, (9) reed beds and rush meadows.

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more The vegetation of the protected area of Lake Pamvotis (Epirus, NW Greece) was studied and classified into habitat types according to the Council Directive 92/43/EEC.

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The vegetation of the protected area of Lake Pamvotis (Epirus, NW Greece) was studied and classif.

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